About Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor

Hey There! I'm Jodi, a devoted hockey mom of four energetic boys and a loving wife, who's on a mission to fuse my two biggest passions: travel and fitness/health & wellness. With over 15 years in the fitness industry and 6+ years in the travel industry, I've heard the desire to achieve that "pool ready" look before a trip countless times. But I believe in something deeper – the harmony between staying active, eating well, and fully enjoying your travel experiences.

In a world where fitness and nutrition often seem rigid, I'm here to shake things up and show you that staying fit isn't just about strict routines and limited indulgences. It's about finding your own rhythm, creating a balanced lifestyle that supports your individuality. No more exhausting pre-vacation crash diets or feeling guilty about savouring local delicacies! Let's redefine vacation nutrition, celebrating the joys of exploration while maintaining our well-being.

As a mom and wife, I understand the challenges of juggling responsibilities. That's why I'm here to show you that fitness isn't just a destination – it's a lifelong journey that intertwines seamlessly with your travels. Whether you're scaling mountains or strolling through quaint streets, I'll help you infuse movement and well-being into your exploration.

My approach is all about balance, embracing both the thrill of discovery and the dedication to self-care. Say goodbye to the "all-or-nothing" mentality and welcome a new chapter of sustainable fitness. I'm here to guide you through the mindset shift, where vacation isn't about over indulging and regret, but about nourishing your body and soul.

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